【同义词辨析】 2020-03-05 标志sign-symptom(2小组一起记)
(1) 标志
sign: applies to any indication to be perceived by the senses or the reason: interpreted her smile as a good ~. (indicate表明表示预示暗示指示to show, to be a sign, or to mention indirectly字面意思是使知道to make known,如a survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life对退休人员的调查表明,大部分人都自食其力,享受生活,如a red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day夜空呈红色往往预兆第二天天气晴朗,如he indicated his willingness to cooperate他暗示愿意合作,如the economic indicators are better than expected经济指标比预期的好,如a depth indicator深度指示器) 如gratitude is the sign of noble souls感恩是高尚灵魂的标志
mark: suggests something impressed on or inherently characteristic of a thing often in contrast to something outwardly evident: the bitter experience left its ~ on him.
token: applies to something that serves as proof or offers evidence of something intangible: this gift is a ~ of our esteem. intangible无形的不可触摸非物质intangible assets/property/benefits无形资产/财产/利益,反义词是物质的material
note: suggests a distinguishing mark or characteristic: a ~ of despair pervades her poetry. distinguish区分to recognize the difference between two people or things 绝望的气氛
symptom: suggests detectable outward indication of an internal change or abnormal condition: rampant violence is a ~ of that country's decline. 泛滥猖獗的
sign标志迹象: 泛指任何可以被感知推理的指示,mark印记: 指印上某物或显示某物特性,之前不明显,token标志象征: 指作为证据证明,note特征: 表示特有的印记特性,symptom症状病症: 指内部异常状态变化的外在指示
记忆方法: 1)首字母想成SMTNS什么太难事<==标志 "标"从木票声,本义是"树梢":"标,木末也",比喻非根本的次要的或外部的事物,与"本"相对。引申为"记号表明标准",都可能和树梢有关,如标记指标标志,"标准"一词出自杜甫诗句"示我百篇文,诗家一标准" "志",从心之声,本义为"志向",即"心之所向",如志向意志匹夫不可夺志;另外还通"誌",表示"记载",如三国志聊斋志异日志杂志,古代用誌
2)标志的意思是外在指示mean a discernible indication of what is not itself directly perceptible. discernible可以感知的,表示有洞察力
(2) 信号
sign: is applicable to any means by which one conveys information without verbal communication: made a ~ to the others to wait while he reconnoitered. verbal语言文字的,来自词根VERB=word字词 reconnoiter侦察=to explore in order to find something
signal: usually applies to a conventional and readily recognizable sign that conveys a command, a direction, or a warning: saw the coach's ~; or it may apply to a mechanical device that performs a comparable function: waiting for a traffic ~ to change to green.
sign信号手势: 泛指任何不使用语言文字的信息传递方式,signal信号: 通常指常规易识别的信号手势,以传递命令指令告警;或功能类似的机械装置
记忆方法: 1)信号的意思是用于传达命令愿望想法的手势动作mean something, such as a gesture or action, by which a command or wish is expressed or a thought made known.